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The ANSI SQL-89 syntax is more prone to mistakes such as forgetting to specify a join condition. You list all table names in the FROM clause separated by commas, and you AND all join predicates in the WHERE clause for example, FROM T1, T2, T3, T4 WHERE <predicate1> AND <predicate2> AND <predicate3>. Therefore, it s easier not to notice that you forgot one of them. With the ANSI SQL-92 syntax it s harder not to notice that you missed something even before the parser catches the error. That s because you normally express each join predicate immediately after the right table in the join for example, T1 JOIN T2 ON <predicate1> JOIN T3 ON <predicate2> JOIN T4 ON <predicate3>. Let s go back to cross joins. You might think that when you intend to write a cross join, using the comma syntax is perfectly ne. However, I d recommend sticking to the ANSI SQL-92 syntax for several reasons. One reason is for the sake of consistency. Things can especially get awkward when you start mixings different syntaxes in the same query. Another reason is that when other programmers (or even you!) review your code after a while, how will they be able to tell whether you intended to write a cross join or intended to write an inner join and forgot the join predicate In short, it s a best practice to use the ANSI SQL-92 syntax with all types of joins.

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Two method types noticeably absent from this discussion are finder and select methods for entity beans. We show these two method types in greater detail in later recipes in this chapter.

However, it is absolutely not recommended that you write all your code in finally blocks! You should only use this technique for modifying extremely sensitive state .

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For RESOURCE3, you make the colors with index values of 0 to 16 transparent; the colors blue and orange of the iText logo are made transparent. For RESOURCE4, you make the white pixels transparent.

AssemblyRef #1 (23000001) ------------------------------------------------------Token: 0x23000001 Public Key or Token: b7 7a 5c 56 19 34 e0 89 Name: mscorlib Version: Major Version: 0x00000004 Minor Version: 0x00000000 Build Number: 0x00000000 Revision Number: 0x00000000 Locale: <null> HashValue Blob: Flags: [none] (00000000)

Programmers do not always use available data to constrain their reasoning. They carry out minor and irrational repairs, and they often don t undo the incorrect repairs. Iris Vessey

For this example, you ll create nonconsumable products. After the user has purchased a background, they will forever have access to it without any additional charge. Follow these steps:

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Reading and decoding PDF-417 barcodes stored in an image or PDF ...
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Haven't used this component of theirs, but have a look it is C#, and you can ... NET is probably the easiest way to decode PDF 417 and many ... barcode scan event

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NET project; Digitally-signed PDF417 barcode reader library that is written in managed C# code; The .NET PDF417 scanner control component supports ...
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After the response type is set, you must determine whether to log the response when the dialog runs. You ll be able to see the response values throughout the design of the dialog process, and the values can be displayed to users in the dialog pages, but if you do not log the response values, they will not be displayed in the dialog summary. The summary page will show Response not logged for unlogged responses instead. This feature is very important for security purposes. For example, let s say you have a dialog process that validates the caller by collecting a personal identification number (PIN) associated to the customer account. During the dialog process, a customer service user is prompted to enter the PIN. A plug-in fires behind the scenes to validate the PIN before the user can proceed to the next step in the dialog process. Another user the customer service manager wants to review the dialog process at this point, but you do not want her to see the PIN. By making the response unlogged, you ensure that users cannot view the response outside of the dialog pages. Finally, default values can be used to save information even if a response is not provided. For example, if a customer chooses not to answer a question about revenue or income, the dialog process could be configured with a default response of Prefers not to answer.

Figure 3-24. Unordered clustered index scan (execution plan)

Figure 4-16 : Trace output with explicit trace category added In addition to the Web.config sections described in this chapter, there are a couple other sections that are not generally modified (such as the globalization section).

protected void Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdatePanel1.Update(); Update itself UpdatePanel2.Update(); Update other UpdatePanel3.Update(); panels on page }

are Boolean properties, so you can specify only whether the application name, the target, and the page URL are tracked. You cannot indicate the name or the URL to track.

.quakeImage:active { -webkit-transition: all 1s ease-in-out; -webkit-transform: scale(5) translateX(50px); }

A restriction is expressed using ternary logic. The where clause is a logical expression that evaluates to true, false, or null for each tuple of objects. You construct logical expressions by comparing properties of objects to other properties or literal values using HQL s built-in comparison operators.

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